4 Easy Tools to Test Your Website Performance

4 easy tools to test your website performance

These days, it seems like we’re all about speed. Everything from drive-thrus to delivery services pride themselves on how fast they can provide you with what you want. When it comes to your website performance, faster is also better. If a website takes more than 3 seconds to load, 40% of people will leave it. […]

Does Social Media Marketing Really Work?

Since its inception, social media has gradually become a normal part of our daily lives. In fact, there’s a good chance you found this article via Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn. Many brands have turned to these sites and others like them to spread their message or sell products. But is it worth the effort for […]

Blogging for SEO

Blogging is a great way to improve your website’s SEO over time by providing original, regularly updated content that is fresh, relevant, and informative. Blogs can be picked up and distributed by website listing services, such as Pingomatic, which will automatically register your blog with fifteen top blog listing services. To add your blog to […]

WP-Rocket Review: Make your WordPress website faster!


What is WordPress performance optimization? Performance optimization for WordPress takes your website and makes it faster. WP-Rocket breaks down the various performance optimizations into several categories: Cache Storage of a pre-loaded copy of the website – starts when the plugin becomes active File Optimization Reduces file size and quantity Media Reduce the time it takes […]

Is your business ready for the New Year?

Internet usage has consistently increased each year and this crowded marketplace has made it even more important that you create a quality digital presence. Mobile devices are taking up a greater percentage of the web traffic which means it’s going to be more important in 2019 to have a mobile friendly website. We want your […]

Making Your Own Logo vs. Getting a Professional Design


Believe it or not, your logo is an integral part of your brand. Making a positive first impression to your audience is essential because it is what helps to determine your success. A logo can be seen on business cards, posters, magazines, and so much more. With that said, your logo must represent quality and […]

Immediate Fixes For Your Business’s Online Visibility


If you currently have a website, whether it’s brand new or a few years old, you want it to be seen! That’s the point, especially if you are trying to market your specific brand. Nothing will slow you down faster than a website that gets only a handful of views. So how do you fix […]

Tips and Solutions to Protect Your WordPress Website From Hackers


Website Hacks: It’s Not a Question of “IF” but “When” One of the hard facts of life on the internet is that hackers are relentless, and IT professionals across the board agree that it’s not a question of “if” but “when” a website will be attacked. Small to medium-sized businesses are especially attractive targets for cyber-criminals […]

8 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Website Now

The 21st century is here to stay and our world is forever finding ways to connect digitally in better and more efficient ways. Even my grandparents have and are adopting new technology! Did you know that 90% of Americans (http://www.cnn.com/2011/TECH/mobile/02/03/texting.photos.gahran/index.html) own some kind of computerized gadget and that over 88.5% of them use it to […]